Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas was fantastic this year.  Everyone gave gifts, so everyone was excited to see the recipients open what was carefully chosen for them. The anticipation was almost overwhelming leading up to the big moment.

We had some good times leading up, including a trip to Apple Hill, looking at lights, a holiday recital, cookie parties, caroling, a Girl Scouts Christmas party and more gingerbread houses than we can eat.

We found snow up at Apple Hill and Emma made her first snowman in years.
Couldn't pass up a chance to play 
Annie loved this measuring chart, as she was taller because of the paver.
Lovely Laura
Sarah was brave and decided she liked riding.
Laura looking confident
Adam decided this pony was Bullseye.
Santa at Old Navy, and no standing in line!
When we looked at lights this house had a photo spot set up.  Not everyone thought it was a good thing.
It's a major award!
This house had an awesome display.
Before the craziness started
See those gingerbread houses in the back? There's 5 of them, with another big house in the kitchen. And of course, Annie is a cutie.
Laura with her as yet unnamed curly haired doll. 
Adam's sleeper hit of the year:  Slinky dog.  Notice his Woody shirt? Another Toy Story junkie.
Boots for me!!
Everyone got at least one thing they loved, and some loved something so much they slept with/in it.

It was a successful day, especially as Adam began his prayer with "thank you for Jesus." Love that kid.

Howard has to be back at work tomorrow, so the rest of us will relax and play with toys extra, just for him.

Our plans include playing battleship, exchanging a pair of boots for Emma, watching Doctor Who until we start speaking with an accent, and going on walks.  Possibly pulling Adam in the wagon.  And sleeping in. 

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