Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Getting ready

Here it is, August.  How did it get here already?  Are we really starting school next week?  Yup.  Am I ready?  Not really.  School will be starting anyway, whether I am ready or not, so here are my tentative plans:

Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 and possibly starting Geometry
English 9 through Easy Peasy
Biology 1 from Apologia
World History using Switched on Schoolhouse
Spanish 1 using Easy Peasy
PE through Easy Peasy
Music elective-piano and guitar

She is also starting early morning seminary with church.  She has elected to only audit our co-op classes, as she will be mega busy with her schedule.  She also plans on doing health next semester and would like to also do Psychology if she can fit it in.

Horizons 5 math
Growing with Grammar
Winning with Writing
IEW Rockets, Radar and Robotics
Various books studies
Scott Foresman Science 5
Story of the World, possibly volume 4.  (Its much tougher subject matter and would be the first time she does history without a sibling.  Otherwise it will be ancient history again with volume 1.)
Art using Artistic Pursuits grade 4-6 book 1
PE using Easy Peasy

Emma also wants to take as many LEGO robotics classes as the charter provides.  Additionally, she has the opportunity to attend outdoor education this year.  We need to sign her up for one of two available.  She also wants to continue horseback riding lessons, if we can coordinate with her instructor, who is also a homeschool mom.

Horizons 2 math
Growing with Grammar
Winning with Writing
Fun club writing group
5 in a row for literature
Scott Foresman Science 2
Story of the World Volume 1
Artistic Pursuits k-3 book 1
PE using Easy Peasy

Sarah also wants to take LEGO classes, in addition to cooking classes, if at all possible.  She also wants to learn to play the piano, but I have no idea when we would fit that in.

Horizons K math
Sing, Spell Read and Write
Fun Club writing group
5 in a Row for literature
Scott Foresman Science 1
Story of the World Volume 1
Artistic Pursuits k-3 volume 1
PE using Easy Peasy
Creative Movement (pre pre ballet)

Laura also wants to take LEGO classes, and anything else.  She is already starting to pick out songs on the piano and asks daily when dance will start.

Adam will continue to work on motor skills, LEGOs, maybe sit through readings of Five in a Row.  He is phasing out of naps and I have no idea what to do to keep him out of our hair.

I haven't scheduled this all out to see how it will work yet, but hey, I've got time.  No, I really don't.  But I would get an A in procrastination if there was such a course!

Of course, we could decide mid-year to scrap our science and do unit studies, or study the human body, or just do Annie's labs with her because she does not like to do them and kinda needs to do a certain amount to pass.  We could also decide that we want to go back to Learning Language through Literature or decide that we love everything we have.  I am also hopefully going to do short Bible study in the mornings with the kids using Easy Peasy.  Right now, though, our first goal is to get everyone up before 9 am.

1 comment:

Katie Bell said...

MY goal is to not sound constantly irritated with my children when we do our one (1!) craft a week.

I'm failing....