Thursday, October 6, 2016

July part 1

As usual, July was super hot. At one point, I didn't even want to go to the pool. I bought a bunch of water balloons and a wading pool and let the younger kids go crazy.

After we retreated from the sun to the safety of air conditioning, we tried introducing Laura and Adam to the game we call "Trains" which is really Ticket to Ride.
Adam just liked the treats and the little trains.
On the 3rd we decided to take a trip to the Jelly Belly Factory.
As usual, Annie didn't want to be in any pictures. 
After Jelly Belly, we went to Mary's Pizza Shack. It's tradition, because it's delicious. 

On the actual 4th, I didn't get any fireworks pictures. Just this one of Sarah doing smoke bombs and our silly dog trying to get the smoke. 
And also important, our peach tree had its first fruit. 
On the weekend of the 8th,9th and 10th, Sarah and I went camping with her Girl Scout troop. Buster ripped a hole in our tent after some backyard camping, so Sarah and I got to try out our new one in the field. 
Sarah actually let me braid her hair the second day!
We hiked to a waterfall and the girls played in the pool at the bottom.

We hiked along the lake, but didn't go in because we had already dried off.
The girls learned how to do a flag ceremony and carried it out while camping. 
Sarah was super cozy in our tent.
We were back in time for 7/11. Free slurpees for all!
Adam played T-ball again with the Junior Giants. Annie was his coach. He actually enjoyed it, more than he liked posing for this picture. 
On the 12, Annie's Girl Scout troop went camping. Well, they stayed at a house in a State Park, which is like camping.  
They went to Calaveras Big Trees. And yeah, those trees earned their name.
The girls got all kinds of silly posing in the roots of fallen trees.
Yes, they climbed in every tree possible on the trail.
And the big rocks too
Can this kid get any cuter?

The dandelions were huge! 
Also, there were ladybugs like crazy where we hiked to a river. The girls' shoes were covered with them, which freaked them out. 
Officially a tree hugger!

July is too big for just one one post, so part 2 will be coming shortly.

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