Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Sometimes, when we are around our kids all the time, we don't really notice them growing and changing. Today Adam put on his 10th Doctor overcoat that I made for his 4th birthday. Alas, the sleeves are too short. His custom Fez doesn't fit on his head. His blue suit was donated months ago and his high top converse are a reminder of his smaller self. 
I know he is still tiny compared to other boys his age, but he is growing, slowly. 
Now that he has a Tardis, I think his wardrobe needs some updating. 

1 comment:

Katie Bell said...

Please send the out grown converse shoes my way, unless you're going to use them in a shadow box or time capsule...and how is this happening, I remember when that bald headed boy was born! And you shaved his head to avoid the dreaded reverse old man hair style....